I realize “The Power of Grief Groceries” title requires a bit of detailed clarification, but that will have to come a bit deeper inside the episode. As a listener you need to understand the premise of this episode is to share what I feel is the best way to help someone suffering a great personal loss. Whether you have personal experience with the passing of a close friend or family member, or you have been touched by death through an “outer-circle” connection, I will assume you understand loss, and all that goes with that knowledge. However, if you’ve not experienced loss yet, it is difficult to know how to help your friend immediately after loss. Even those of us who have been exposed to loss could probably use a reminder or, better yet, a fresh take on better ways to help someone in their initial days and weeks after a loss. I believe this is something we all can get better at, and to that end, I’d like to share several ways to do so in this episode.
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