The human heart is this complex landscape, hosting a medley of seemingly contradictory emotions – love and loss, grief and gratitude, sorrow and celebration, endings and beginnings. Our existence is this intricate dance of emotions, a constant ebb and flow that presents a challenging tension.

I’ve come to understand that these conflicting emotions can coexist harmoniously, each holding its truth simultaneously. This insightful reflection comes from the talented poet Liz Newman, known for her contemplative pieces, delving into grief, love, family, faith, and mental health themes.

I stumbled upon Liz’s work through her Facebook posts, and honestly, her writing resonates with me. The way she articulates the juxtaposition of love and loss, grief and gratitude intrigued me.

It makes me wonder if, as a society, we typically view these opposing emotions as occurring simultaneously. In my own experiences, especially with grief and gratitude, and come to think of it, sorrow and celebration, I’ve found that these emotions can exist side by side and be authentic all at once – sometimes even within the same moment. It’s a nuanced perspective that warrants consideration and reflection.