
About tograteful

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So far tograteful has created 122 blog entries.

The Air Is Different

Soon after my husband died I remember that I kept saying, “The air is different.” In the fog of my grieving I wasn’t sure what I was sensing and why I needed to keep saying that statement until I

The Air Is Different2025-01-08T18:32:05+00:00

No One is Alone in This Grief Journey

Today, on the 24th anniversary of my late husband’s death by suicide, I again remove the photo albums from the bookshelf to remember his life. Seeing pictures of a strong 39-year-old man, beaming with pride holding his two

No One is Alone in This Grief Journey2025-01-08T18:32:05+00:00

EP4 – An Unexpected Support Group

When it comes to support, we, as a family, have been very blessed. In numbers as well as types of support, our family and friends have truly been there for us through the illness and loss of my wife, Colleen

EP4 – An Unexpected Support Group2025-01-08T18:32:05+00:00

Grateful for Texts and Phone Calls

I cannot seem to fill enough of my day to take away the ache and pain. Every phone call or text from a friend is like a life preserver. Every email is a link to some sort of

Grateful for Texts and Phone Calls2025-01-08T18:32:05+00:00

Threads of Life

His Laugh was Absolutely Infectious

Shortly after my husband died, someone asked me if it was difficult to part with his possessions. My first thought and response at the time was that most of what he truly owned

Threads of Life2025-01-08T18:32:05+00:00

Hating Death

I hate life… wait no, I hate death.

I love life and all the people in my life I love. But it’s death that makes life so sad and so hard.  I hate it when someone I love dies.

Hating Death2025-01-08T18:32:06+00:00

EP3 – Asking for Help Months After Your Loss

It truly shouldn’t matter if you are 6 days or 6 months past the loss of someone special, your ability to reach out to your support system and ask for help does not have an expiration date. You may feel

EP3 – Asking for Help Months After Your Loss2025-01-08T18:32:06+00:00

EP2 – Pushing Through the First Days After Loss

The first days after a loss are never easy. There’s no arguing that point. However, there can be moments of comfort seeded in the memories uncovered. Throughout the planning that will encompass much of the first week, I was able

EP2 – Pushing Through the First Days After Loss2025-01-08T18:32:06+00:00

EP1 – My Story, My Inspiration

Through the loss of my wife to cancer, I’ve come to understand the most valuable asset my family and friends possess is the ability to lift me up when I’ve needed it most with the simplest of gestures. There is

EP1 – My Story, My Inspiration2025-01-08T18:32:06+00:00

Moving Through vs Moving On

Many family and friends, once past the initial acceptance of your loss, will find the need to comfort you in many different ways. Some will try to show you how this loss can be viewed as a positive aspect

Moving Through vs Moving On2025-01-08T18:32:06+00:00
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