Welcome to my new weekly series, Growing Through Loss. This series is designed to strip back the typically planned podcast episode with a more off-the-cuff discussion of experiences I’ve had over the last week as they relate to my loss journey. This week I take an honest look at beginning a new school year once again without my teammate, my wife. I reflect on my lack of planning as it compares to my wife’s and how I stumble – albeit slightly – with picture day, supplies, and just the usual transition back to school. Lastly, I make certain not to come down too hard on myself and strongly suggest the same for you when you experience similar moments. We’re not provided a handbook on how to deal with loss, nor how to move forward from that loss. We can only do the best we can do… and occasionally lean on others for a little help when needed. Lean on me and our community if you need guidance… this journey truly takes a village.