Mother’s Heart
Oh life within me
You expand my body and my spirit
I feel your kicks
Your movements ripple waves across me physically and emotionally
I feel you and I already love you
Oh babe at my breast
I miss your life inside of me
But now I hold you
Nourish you
And look into your wide eyes
You are so tiny, so helpless, so amazing
My love grows
Oh toddler at my feet
You run around and away from me
So independent
Until you cling to my legs and I pick you up
Hugging, snuggling
My love encompasses
Oh schoolboy out the door
Books and papers
Sports and balls
Competitive nature
Turtles and frogs
Bedtime talks
My love enlarges
Oh teenager expanding out
mysterious and moody
Sharp and witty
Challenging my rules
Questioning my views
My love never wavers
Oh young man laughing and confident
Funny and accomplished
A career that excites
A wife bringing love and joy
Two little girls, his love grows
My love encircles
Oh, my son, leaving this earth too soon
Heart valve replacement and infection
Stroke and brain damage
Fighting for the life cherished
Finally surrendering with grace
My love laments
Maryann Radowski
A Journey to Grateful Contributor
Long-time Listener